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Monday, June 25, 2012

Advice To Help Make Training Your Dog Easier

Advice To Help Make Training Your Dog Easier

Dog owners who understand the responsibility of owning a dog, realize that training is essential. Dogs who are well trained tend to be happier. They know what to expect and when to expect it. This also provides a safer environment for you, the dog, and your neighbors. These tips can help you reinforce good behavior.

Be conscious of your dog's needs, and allow them to act like a dog. There should always be good outlets available for your dog to exercise and keep busy, and do not forget the right diet to provide this energy.

Even if your dog gets extremely stressed whenever you leave home, with a bit of time and dedication, it is possible to train your dog out of his separation anxiety. Separation anxiety can cause a dog to bark or destroy things while you're away from home. It is possible to train your dog to refrain from such activities and control himself while he is alone. A great way to ease your dog's anxiety is through love and compassion.

If you have a puppy that likes to chew on everything when you are away from home, the easiest solution is to consider an indoor or outdoor kennel to use in your absence. If this is not an option for you, the simplest way keep him from chewing is to close the doors to rooms that have appealing items and put other tempting items out of his reach.

Fear biting has caused the majority of dog bites. That occurs when dogs feel trapped, threatened, or frightened. You should not use force when training your dog. Your frustrated dog may bite you. Your dog will feel proud and want to please you as his leader.

Training should be done when the dog is young. While any dog can be trained, puppies respond the best to it. If you train your dog well while it is young, it will grow up and be well-behaved.

Your whole family should be involved with training the dog. While they may have a single person working with them regularly, getting everyone involved can enforce that they must always follow the rules and it will make it more consistent.

If you have a large-breed dog, he needs a big bed on which to stretch out. Think about getting your dog an actual dog bed that fits its larger size; crib mattresses work great, too. The perks of these are that you can change out the sheets on crib mattresses as often as you like without too much effort. Crib mattresses are also waterproof!

If you will be away from the house for an extended period, leaving the dog alone when you are gone, take him on a long, vigorous walk before you leave. By letting them get some exercise before you go, they are less anxious and not so likely to run amok in the house and do damage.

These tips should help you and your dog have an enjoyable relationship. Training your dog makes ownership a rewarding experience. Training will ensure that you and your dog have many happy years together.

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